Review: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer

Well Chicas....I have been on a quest to find something to prevent my eyeshadow from creasing.
My skin is extremely oily and normally by the end of the day, my  eyeshadow looks attrocious.
Long hard research brought to the Urban Decay Eye shadow Primer.

A few days ago I purchased this product from Sephora for  $22 (plus applicable  taxes) .

  • slanted wand which makes for easier application 
  • Only a small amount is needed as product goes a long way
  • Excellent for dark skinned women as  it goes on with a matte finish
  • Really does extend the length of the eyeshadow and also contributes to the vibrancy of the colour

CON (Just one)
Price...This is a little pricey ladies, but you only need a small amount  and you may need to de-pot it because the way the product is packaged, its hard to get all the product out.

Overall, this is an excellent product and I recommend it  as it really does  extend the life and makes the eyeshadow moer vibrant, I will be repurchasing this product.
