TRY A TREND --Ethnic Necklaces

I have always loved ethnic jewelery. I love especially African, Middle Eastern  and Asian inspirations. Ethnic necklaces are a way to brighten up and otherwise "dull" outfit.  Don't be nervous to try these out. Keep in mind if you wear a big ethnic necklace keep earrings to a minimum.  Ethnic necklaces look great with jeans for going out with friends or a date and they also look great for a nice work outfit.

In terms of where these can be purchased. Normally I purchase my necklaces at either outdoor events like Afrofest or outdoor concerts. Another great place is Kensington Market (Toronto), H/M ( there are some nice pieces there as well and its very affordable) . Also Indian town (Toronto) or if you have any friends that are traveling you can ask them to bring back some pieces for you (I do that all the time).
